Two Sticks And Some String !

This is me, an opinionated, politically progressive Canadian Lace Knitter who's lived and worked in western Canada, and on the east coast of the USA; a multi-skilled person who's been recently re-elected to public office, has a Class One driver's license, a human services professional in direct service, middle and senior management positions, and a MOM!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Top 10 Signs of the Impending U.S. Police State

Thanks to Allan Uthman for writing this, and for my friend Mark in Ottawa for sending it out. Perfect for my blog.

And today I was welcomed into the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy webring. I thought this article would be an excellent way to celebrate! Anything in bold or italics is mine.

By Allan Uthman.

From secret detention centers to warrantless wiretapping, Bush and Co. give free rein to their totalitarian impulses.

Is the U.S. becoming a police state? Here are the top 10 signs that may well be the case.

1. The Internet Clampdown

One saving graces for alternative media in this age of unfettered corporate conglomeration has been the internet. While the masses are spoon-fed predigested news on TV (CNN and FOX being the worst)and in mainstream print publications, the truth-seeking individual still has access to a broad array of investigative reporting and political opinion via the world-wide web. Of course, it was only a matter of time before the government moved to patch up this crack in the sky.

Attempts to regulate and filter internet content are intensifying lately, coming both from telecommunications corporations (who are gearing up to pass legislation transferring ownership and regulation of the internet to themselves), and the Pentagon (which issued an "Information Operations Roadmap" in 2003, signed by Donald Rumsfeld, which outlines tactics such as network attacks and acknowledges, without suggesting a remedy, that US propaganda planted in other countries has easily found its way to Americans via the internet). One obvious tactic clearing the way for stifling regulation of internet content is the growing media frenzy over child pornography and "internet predators," which will surely lead to legislation that by far exceeds in its purview what is needed to fight such threats.

2. "The Long War"

This little piece of clumsy marketing died off quickly, but it gave away what many already suspected: the War on Terror will never end, nor is it meant to end. It is designed to be perpetual. As with the War on Drugs, it outlines a goal that can never be fully attained -- as long as there are pissed off people and explosives. The Long War will eternally justify what are ostensibly temporary measures: suspension of civil liberties, military expansion, domestic spying, massive deficit spending and the like. This short-lived moniker told us all, "get used to it. Things aren't going to change any time soon."


Did anyone really think this was going to be temporary? Yes, this disgusting power grab gives the government the right to sneak into your house, look through all your stuff and not tell you about it for weeks on a rubber stamp warrant. Yes, they can look at your medical records and library selections. Yes, they can pass along any information they find without probable cause for purposes of prosecution. No, they're not going to take it back, ever.

4. Prison Camps

This last January the Army Corps of Engineers gave Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown & Root nearly $400 million to build detention centers in the United States, for the purpose of unspecified "new programs." Of course, the obvious first guess would be that these new programs might involve rounding up Muslims or political dissenters -- I mean, obviously detention facilities are there to hold somebody. I wish I had more to tell you about this, but it's, you know... secret.

5. Touchscreen Voting Machines

Despite clear, copious evidence that these nefarious contraptions are built to be tampered with, they continue to spread and dominate the voting landscape, thanks to Bush's "Help America Vote Act," the exploitation of corrupt elections officials, and the general public's enduring cluelessness.

In Utah, Emery County Elections Director Bruce Funk witnessed security testing by an outside firm on Diebold voting machines which showed them to be a security risk. But his warnings fell on deaf ears. Instead Diebold attorneys were flown to Emery County on the governor's airplane to squelch the story. Funk was fired. In Florida, Leon County Supervisor of Elections Ion Sancho discovered an alarming security flaw in their Diebold system at the end of last year. Rather than fix the flaw, Diebold refused to fulfill its contract. Both of the other two touchscreen voting machine vendors, Sequoia and ES&S, now refuse to do business with Sancho, who is required by HAVA to implement a touchscreen system and will be sued by his own state if he doesn't. Diebold is said to be pressuring for Sancho's ouster before it will resume servicing the county.

Stories like these and much worse abound, and yet TV news outlets have done less coverage of the new era of elections fraud than even 9/11 conspiracy theories. This is possibly the most important story of this century, but nobody seems to give a damn. As long as this issue is ignored, real American democracy will remain an illusion. The midterm elections will be an interesting test of the public's continuing gullibility about voting integrity, especially if the Democrats don't win substantial gains, as they almost surely will if everything is kosher.

Bush just suggested that his brother Jeb would make a good president. We really need to fix this problem soon.

6. Signing Statements

Bush has famously never vetoed a bill. This is because he prefers to simply nullify laws he doesn't like with "signing statements." Bush has issued over 700 such statements, twice as many as all previous presidents combined. A few examples of recently passed laws and their corresponding dismissals, courtesy of the Boston Globe:

--Dec. 30, 2005: US interrogators cannot torture prisoners or otherwise subject them to cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment.

Bush's signing statement: The president, as commander in chief, can waive the torture ban if he decides that harsh interrogation techniques will assist in preventing terrorist attacks.

--Dec. 30, 2005: When requested, scientific information ''prepared by government researchers and scientists shall be transmitted [to Congress] uncensored and without delay."

Bush's signing statement: The president can tell researchers to withhold any information from Congress if he decides its disclosure could impair foreign relations, national security, or the workings of the executive branch.

--Dec. 23, 2004: Forbids US troops in Colombia from participating in any combat against rebels, except in cases of self-defense. Caps the number of US troops allowed in Colombia at 800.

Bush's signing statement: Only the president, as commander in chief, can place restrictions on the use of US armed forces, so the executive branch will construe the law ''as advisory in nature."

Essentially, this administration is bypassing the judiciary and deciding for itself whether laws are constitutional or not. Somehow, I don't see the new Supreme Court lineup having much of a problem with that, though. So no matter what laws congress passes, Bush will simply choose to ignore the ones he doesn't care for. It's much quieter than a veto, and can't be overridden by a two-thirds majority. It's also totally absurd.

7. Warrantless Wiretapping

Amazingly, the GOP sees this issue as a plus for them. How can this be? What are you, stupid? You find out the government is listening to the phone calls of US citizens, without even the weakest of judicial oversight and you think that's okay? Come on -- if you know anything about history, you know that no government can be trusted to handle something like this responsibly. One day they're listening for Osama, and the next they're listening in on Howard Dean.

Think about it: this administration hates unauthorized leaks. With no judicial oversight, why on earth wouldn't they eavesdrop on, say, Seymour Hersh, to figure out who's spilling the beans? It's a no-brainer. Speaking of which, it bears repeating: terrorists already knew we would try to spy on them. They don't care if we have a warrant or not. But you should.

8. Free Speech Zones

I know it's old news, but... come on, are they ****ing serious?

9. High-ranking Whistleblowers

Army Generals. Top-level CIA officials. NSA operatives. White House cabinet members. These are the kind of people that Republicans fantasize about being, and whose judgment they usually respect. But for some reason, when these people resign in protest and criticize the Bush administration en masse, they are cast as traitorous, anti-American publicity hounds. Ridiculous. The fact is, when people who kill, spy and deceive for a living tell you that the White House has gone too far, you had damn well better pay attention. We all know most of these people are staunch Republicans. If the entire military except for the two guys the Pentagon put in front of the press wants Rumsfeld out, why on earth wouldn't you listen?

10. The CIA Shakeup

Was Porter Goss fired because he was resisting the efforts of Rumsfeld or Negroponte? No. These appointments all come from the same guys, and they wouldn't be nominated if they weren't on board all the way. Goss was probably canned so abruptly due to a scandal involving a crooked defense contractor, his hand-picked third-in-command, the Watergate hotel and some hookers.

If Bush's nominee for CIA chief, Air Force General Michael Hayden, is confirmed, that will put every spy program in Washington under military control. Hayden, who oversaw the NSA warrantless wiretapping program and is clearly down with the program. That program? To weaken and dismantle or at least neuter the CIA. Despite its best efforts to blame the CIA for "intelligence errors" leading to the Iraq war, the picture has clearly emerged -- through extensive CIA leaks -- that the White House's analysis of Saddam's destructive capacity was not shared by the Agency. This has proved to be a real pain in the ass for Bush and the gang.

Who'd have thought that career spooks would have moral qualms about deceiving the American people? And what is a president to do about it? Simple: make the critical agents leave, and fill their slots with Bush/Cheney loyalists. Then again, why not simply replace the entire organization? That is essentially what both Rumsfeld at the DoD and newly minted Director of National Intelligence John are doing -- they want to move intelligence analysis into the hands of people that they can control, so the next time they lie about an "imminent threat" nobody's going to tell. And the press is applauding the move as a "necessary reform."

Remember the good old days, when the CIA were the bad guys?

Why are Americans not enraged about this? Has the pillaging of their precious rights and freedoms become so commonplace that, in the name of "fighting terrorism", they're willing to accept thinly-veiled terrorism by their own government? Bin Laden wins, over and over again. Every time anyone loses a "right" or "freedom", in the name of fighting Bush's hallucinations, Bin Laden wins. That is the worst form of terrorism; performed right in front of the American public, WITH their consent. Remember that lack of dissent is passive consent.

Of course, Bin Laden isn't literally winning. What, or who, is winning is up to you to decide, but I think it's pretty clear that the "rights and freedoms" upon which so many Americans hang their hats is the loser. The "if yer not for us, yer agin us" mentality is winning whenever Bush values your rights below the cry for "national security".

When everyone is seen as suspect, no one's rights are being respected. Do you think this is the price to pay for protection? How long till Bush's fanatacism turns the USA into a police state, and its citizens into prisoners? Does anyone honestly believe that they'll have rights and freedoms left if Bush and Co. get their way?

Americans need to protest to the point of bringing the country grinding to a halt. The Bush regime needs to be brought down; Americans need to actually enjoy those rights and freedoms instead of just talking about them. If you need some help, ask the Canadian Federation of Labour, who organized a day of protest across Canada some 30 years ago. Union and non-union labour marched arm in arm in protest of bad government. If us Canucks can do it, so can the Americans.

And just in case Canadians think they can sit back and be smug, let me remind you that Stephen Harper is a bum-boy to Dubyuh. There will be many examples before Harper's turn in office is over, and I'll happily keep you informed. The only thing I can be smug about is that I didn't vote for either of those two bastards.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

A Father's Day Card for Mother's Day

My beautiful, perfect son (she said, with tongue affixed firmly to cheek) will be 27 years old on his next birthday. He had the misfortune to be raised without one significant male in his life (again, tongue stuck to inside of cheek). The benefits of this are many; for starters, he's one of the few men I know who doesn't piss all over the damned toilet (and one of the many reasons why I love him so much!); he can COOK (and is a darned fine cook, too ... adventurous and creative!); he knows how to sort laundry correctly and actually folds his clothes before he puts them away; he is a very adept comparison shopper, and he has an ability to relate to women of any age.

He believes that being in a relationship doesn't mean dumping his domestic responsibilities on his partner, (I'd have to hurt him, and he's bigger than me), and isn't afraid to show his emotions. More reasons to love this guy.

Oh, did I mention he's straight, too? This is for those folks out there who swear that boys raised without a "father figure" turn out to be gay. Someone (a male) was totally convinced that I was raising a little fag, and that he needed someone to wrestle with and teach him how to swear (yup, those are the things I look for in a man, fer sure).

In fact, I wouldn't care if he'd turned out to be purple and multi-sexual, or bi-sexual, or asexual. He's exactly who he's supposed to be, and I love him. Period. I would have loved him anyway. Couldn't help it. Matter of fact, when someone asks me about my love life, I almost always say that the two longest loves of my life have been my son, and Vancouver Island.

I know parents think their own children are the cutest kids in the world. I happen to KNOW Eric was the cutest baby EVER. End of discussion.

So this year, Mr. Perfect Son admitted that he hadn't sent my mother's day card in time for me to receive it. Hmmmmmmm. Oh well, I can forgive him for that (this time).

When I came in the door after work, Dorne said there was mail for me. Ahhh, a nicely padded Canada Post envelope, with his return address on it. Cool.

Have you ever tried opening one of those things???? It reminds me of the time I tried to tear open placenta in order to rescue a new-born puppy who was suffocating. Can't be done with bare hands (especially when the hands and the placenta are very slippery!). These Canada Post envelopes are hard to open even with a knife. Anyway, calling on my superhuman strength (knitter's hands truly are strong), I put a gash in the envelope and pulled out the card and a really (really!) cool Herbie Hancock CD (listening to it as I type, matter of fact).

Outside of the card is a picture of a "father" handing a pink slip to his son. Son says "but you can't fire me, I'm your son!", and "father" says, "don't make this harder than it already is".

So, ok Eric, you missed out buying a Mother's Day card and had to buy a Father's Day card instead. That's ok, too (big grin here).

Inside reads: Happy Father's Day, Ma. (his writing)

Thanks for keeping me around (like I wouldn't???)

(his writing again): You've been both a dad and a mom. Maybe just once you should get a card recognizing you on this day. Thus, I'm late for mother's day and really early for father's day, which makes me not late.

Lots of Love,
(your son)
just in case of senility

I'll have you know senility is NOT the problem; it's simply that by the time a brain with an IQ of 140 reaches 50+ years of age, it has absorbed so much information that some of it has to fall out from time to time. That you are my son I will never, NEVER forget. That I love you so very much and am always so very proud of you, I will also never forget.

Here he is, a man comfortable with himself. Yes, he's applying make-up. Read on!

And how could anyone not love a guy who stays home (in an apartment he shared platonically with a woman) for his roommate's Mary Kay (or whatever) make-up party? His reasoning was simple; what self-respecting guy wouldn't want to be surrounded by a roomful of women?

I raised you up right, errrr ... correct(ly) (gad, how I hate bad grammar!). Thanks for the great card, honey, and for the gift of the music. I love you!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Belly Button Start for Circular Knitting Projects

I am now offering the Belly Button Start in SIX languages, English, French, Russian, Finnish, Italian and German! Please scroll down for instructions in your preferred language!

Bonjour, France! "
[Tuto] Démarrer un ouvrage circulaire" (
Recently, members of a European forum have been coming to see my circular start, and I wanted to say "hello and welcome!". I wish I were bilingual, because I could greet my French visitors properly!

I am thrilled to announce that I finally have a French translation for this circular start. Please scroll down until you see it.

Welcome Ravelry visitors! I am RosemarieB on Ravelry. Thank you so much for dropping in and checking out the Belly Button start. You are most welcome to peruse my blog and check out my knitting, including last year's big project, the PhoenixPalme. Stay a while, enjoy, and send feedback if you choose to use my start. I'm always looking for ways to make it better! Thanks so much.


Je vous présent le petit nombril en SEPT langues, anglais, russe, finnois, italien, et allemand ! En déroulant ce page vous les trouverez tous !

Bonjour la France !

Bienvenue aux amis de Ravelry où je m’appel RosemarieB. Je suis ravi de vous accueillir ici chez moi, home de le « bellybutton start ». Je vous invite à découvrir mon blog, mes tricots, et surtout mon grand projet de l’année dernière, le PhoenixPalme.

Faites comme chez vous, et surtout si jamais vous essayez mon début de tricot en ronde n’hésitez pas à m’envoyer votre feedback. Je suis toujours à la recherche des améliorations - vos conseils me seront d’un aide précieuse (surtout en ce qui concerne cette traduction fait par un américain très bien intentionnée mais bon, pas toujours au top niveau en ce qui concerne le français…)

Bien cordialement,


The Belly Button Start for Circular Projects

This method trumps almost any other circular cast-on I've ever seen. I've tried many, including the insane multiple-needle/toothpick method, using pillows and pins and whatever else you can think of.

The belly button cast-on for circular projects makes starting any circular knitting project a real joy.

Pictured here is the belly button for Niebling's Lyra, which I knit in 2005. I used heavy "crafter's" cotton for the belly-button, and a very fine laceweight, cobalt-blue, 100% wool for the Lyra itself.

And here are the directions!

Rosemarie's Belly Button Start for Circular Knitting Projects

1. Start out with two of the dp needles you'll be using to knit your chosen pattern. (You can switch to your circular needles at the usual time, when your project is big enough.)

2. Using (I prefer cotton) a Size 5 or thicker thread (heavier, contrasting colour acrylic yarn works, too), cast onto ONE needle, the number of stitches called for in your circular pattern. The contrasting thread/yarn colour is important, as this will help you when it comes time to remove the belly button.
For example: If your circ. pattern calls for 12 stitches divided between four needles, then simply cast 12 stitches onto one dp needle.
I will be using the "12 stitches" as my example, but adapt the beginning stitch numbers to whatever your patterns says.

3. Now ... simply knit back and forth until you have a piece about an inch long. Tension is important, please, knit tightly! You need this piece to be very firm, as this will make supporting the multiple needles much easier!

4. Then: divide those 12 stitches onto the four double pointed needles (or whatever the pattern calls for).

5. Knit two or three times around, using the same heavy cotton thread (or acrylic yarn). Essentially, you are now knitting a glorified "I-cord". Be sure to pull the thread tightly between needles, to avoid "ladders".
This is an important step for beginning the actual pattern. If you don't pull the heavy thread tightly, you will have gaps in the belly-button that will likely translate into gaps in your pattern knitting. The "belly-button" you're knitting should be very firm, if you're using large enough heavy thread and have lots of tension.

6. Drop the heavy thread. Now, using the thread you have chosen for your project, knit one or two times around, (do not start knitting your pattern yet!),keeping the tension firm, knitting the project thread right into the last round of the heavy thread.. Be sure you leave a "tail" on your project thread long enough to thread through a needle with an eye (I usually leave about 60 cm or 2 feet).

7. Now start knitting your pattern.

Finishing the centre:

You may choose to do Steps 8 - 12 at any time.

8. Thread your
project thread through a sharp-pointed sewing needle. Very carefully thread it through the first round of stitches of the PROJECT THREAD, the ones which are knitted into the last round of the heavy thread.

9. Pull the tail thread slowly and carefully, making sure you have picked up all 12 stitches on that first round of the project thread. I use a lighted magnifying lamp, although a good light and reading glasses will work, too. You may pull the tail thread tightly, or leave it in a more open "o" style, whatever suits you.

(This is the belly button on my Lyra, one of Herbert Niebling's legendary patterns.)

10. Take the tail thread one more time through all 12 stitches, and then fasten or tie it off in whatever style you usually use.

11. With a pair of very sharp, very small scissors, cut off the belly-button (being the heavy thread), being very careful to not cut any of the thread of your project.

12. You can throw away the belly-button, or put it in your portfolio, with date and time of delivery (kidding ).



Le nombril du tricot en ronde

Ce méthode dépasse de loin tous les autres que j’ai pu expérimenter. Et je peux vous dire que j’ai essayé de tonnes, y compris le truc kir dents/nombreuses aiguilles avec des coussins et des oreillers et tout le reste…

Le nombril fait en sort que vos projets en ronde se démarre en beauté :
Voici le nombril pour Niebling’s Lyra, que j’ai tricoté en 2005. J’ai utilisé du « heavy “crafter’s” cotton » pour le nombril et une laine à tricoter dentelle très fin 100 % coton en bleu cobalte pour le Lyra.
Et voici les instructions…à vos aiguilles !

Rosemarie’s Nombril pour le tricot en ronde


  1. Choisir le projet tricoté en ronde que vous souhaitez réaliser

  2. Vérifier la taille des aiguilles nécessaires ainsi que la quantité de laine requis pour le projet

  3. Procurer les aiguilles de deux points (vendus habituellement en jeu de cinq) et des aiguilles circulaires nécessaires pour l’aboutissement de votre projet en commençant avec la plus petite circulaire de 40 cm allant jusqu’à le taille requise pour finir votre projet

  4. Choisir la laine pour votre projet ainsi que du coton ou autre fil contrasté pour le nombril qu’on appellera le « fil du nombril » (il est très important que ceci soit d’un couleur et/ou texture autre que le fil de votre projet final - je vous conseil un fil assez épaisse du type _______________________)

  5. Pour commencer, prendre deux des aiguilles de deux points de la taille recommandé pour votre projet (normalement il y a cinq dans le paquet – ne vous inquiétez pas les autres seront utilisés plus tard). Commencez avec deux aiguilles deux points.

  6. Avec le « fil du nombril » et votre méthode de montage préféré montez sur une seule aiguille à deux points le nombre de mailles indiqué dans le patron circulaire que vous avez choisi, (Et je ne peux qu’insister encore une fois, pour ce début il est très important de choisir un couleur/texture qui contraste avec le couleur de votre projet final car le moment venu d’enlever le nombril et de libérer votre projet il est très important de pouvoir distinguer entre les fils….)

Par exemple, si votre patron demande 12 mailles divisées entre 4 aiguilles, alors vous montez 12 mailles sur une seule aiguille à deux points.

Bien évidement, 12 mailles n’est qu’un exemple – le patron que vous avez choisi demandera peut être 8 ou 10 mailles et dans ce cas vous montez 8 ou 10 selon les instructions mais toujours sur une seule aiguille à deux points.

  1. Maintenant….c’est facile, tricotez, à l’endroit de rangé en rangé sur deux aiguilles jusqu’à ce que ça mesure 2.54 centimètres plat. Il est important que ce petit début soit assez ferme, d’où l’intérêt de choisir un fil plus épais. Je vous conseil de tricotez bien serré, comme ça, une fois que vous introduisez les quatre aiguilles pour votre tricot en ronde tout sera beaucoup plus facile !

  2. Ensuite répartissez ce 12 mailles entres les quatres aiguilles à deux points (ou les 8 ou 10 mailles selon le patron, en faisant attention à ce qu’il y un nombre quasi-égal sur chaque aiguille – eg, pour 12, 3 mailles sur chacun des 4 aiguilles, pour 8, 2 mailles sur chacun des quatre aiguilles, 10 c’est plus difficile mais vous pouvez faire 3 sur 2 aguilles et puis 2 sur les 2 autres…etc.).

  3. Puis, commencez à tricoter en ronde sur les 4 aiguilles - faire deux out trois tours utilisant le fil du nombril. Vous êtes en train de faire un sort de « I-cord ». Il est très important de bien serrer votre tricot pour éviter des trous. Si vous ne serrez pas, il se peut qu’il y aura des trous dans le nombril et par conséquent des trous dans votre projet final. Le nombril devait être ferme et pour cela il faut utiliser un fil épais et tricoter serré.

  4. Après deux ou trois tours en rond vous allez cessez de tricoter avec le fil du nombril et commencer avec le fil de votre projet. Laissez tombé le fil du nombril et prendre le fil du projet – tricotez deux ou trois ronds (mais ne commencez pas encore à tricoter selon les instructions du patron du projet – faites simplement les ronds en tricot endroit). Pour le premier rond avec le fil du projet assurez-vous que la tension reste serré et tricotez avec le fil du projet jusqu’au le dernier maille du fil du nombril. Il faut que la queue de votre fil du projet soit assez longue (je suggère 60 cm ou 2 feet).

  5. Maintenant vous allez enfin pouvoir commencer votre patron !

Pour finir le centre:

Les étapes 8-12 sont à faire à votre convenance

  1. Mettre le fil de queue de votre projet dans une aiguille à coudre. En faisant très attention coudez le fil a travers les premiers mailles du fil projet, ce qui sont tricotés dans le dernier rangé du fil épaisse du nombril

  2. Avec l’aiguille de couture, tirez la queue lentement et doucement en faisant très attention que les 12 (8, 10, etc ;) mailles sont prise dans le fil. Personnellement, j’utilise une lampe agrandisseur, mais une bonne paire de lunettes peut aussi faire l’affaire. Vous pouvez tirez la queue très serré ou la laissez en « o », comme vous voulez.

(Voici le nombril de mon Lyra, une création légendaire de Herbert Niebling’s)

  1. Coudre encore le fil de queue à travers les 12 mailles d’origine, et puis coupez le ou faites ce que vous fassiez d’habitude pour finir vos projets.

  2. Avec un paire de ciseaux bien aiguisé, coupé le fil du nombril (le fil épaisse), en faisant très attention à ne pas couper le fil du projet.

  3. vous pouvez ensuite jeter le nombril ou le garder précieusement dans votre livret de famille (je plaisante).

Belly Button Start in RUSSIAN! Yes, this is truly an internationally recognized start for circular projects.

Thank you to Linda B. and her affiliation with the Russian knitting forum:
Linda has recently tweaked her translation of the Belly Button Start, and here is the revised version:

“Пуповинное начало”, перевoд

1. Начинать на 2-х прямых спицах.
2. Используя нитки потолще чем для самой салфетки контрастного цвета, набрать необходимое для работы кол-во петель на одну спицу. Очень важно чтобы нитки были контрастного цвета.

3. На прямых спицах провязать вперед-назад кусочек длиной 2,5 см. Важно вязать туго.
4. Расположить петли на 4 спицы.
5. 2-3 ряда провязать лицевыми по кругу туго теми же контрасными нитками. Все время вязать туго. Это "пуповина".
6. Перейти на основные нитки для салфетки и сделать еще 1-2 круга лицевыми. Вязать туго. Предварительно оставить "хвост" из основной нитки дл. 60 см чтобы ее можно было заправить в иголку с ушком.
7. Теперь можно перейти на вязание узора.

Окончание центра. Шаги 8-12 можно cделать в любой момент.
8. Вдеть оставленый "хвост" в ушко острой швейной иглы. Очень осторожно продеть ее в петли первого ряда, связаного основной ниткой.
9. Медленно протянуть нитку через все петли 1-го ряда. Убедиться что нет пропущенных петель. Я пользуюсь лупой с подсветкой.
10. Провести иглу с ниткой еще раз, затянуть, завязать.
11. Очень острыми маленькими ножничками отрезать пуповину из контрастных ниток. Делать это надо с большой осторожностью чтобы не задеть основную нить.
12. Пуповину можно выкинуть, а можно сохранить с датой родов (шутка).

Thanks again, Linda, for providing me with the translation!

This translation was provided by Jaana Fogl, who lives in Finland and is a lace-knitting colleague.

Rosemarien Belly Button- eli Napa-aloitus pyöreille neuleille

1. Aloita kahdella suoralla puikolla, jotka ovat samankokoisia kuin puikot, joita aiot käyttää työssä. (Pyöröpuikoille voit vaihtaa normaaliin tapaan, kun työ on siihen riittävän iso.)

2. Käytä paksuhkoa lankaa, mielellään puuvillaa. Paksu, erivärinen akryylilankakin käy, pääasia on, että lanka on paksuhkoa ja napakkaa. Luo YHDELLE puikolle aloitukseen tarvittava silmukkamäärä. On tärkeää, että aloituksessa käytettävä lanka on selkeästi eriväristä kuin itse työssä käytettävä lanka, sillä värierosta on apua siinä vaiheessa, kun aloituspala poistetaan.

Esimerkki: Jos työ on tarkoitus aloittaa 12 silmukalla, jotka jaetaan neljälle puikolle, luot tässä vaiheessa 12 silmukkaa yhdelle suoralle puikolle. 12 silmukkaa on siis vain tässä esimerkissä käytetty aloitussilmukkamäärä, omaa työtäsi aloittaessasi luot puikolle käyttämäsi neuleohjeen edellyttämän määrän silmukoita.

3. Aloita neulomalla edestakaista neuletta noin 2,5 cm. On tärkeää, että neulot mahdollisimman tiiviisti! Aloituspalan on oltava napakka, sillä silloin se tukee useita puikkoja parhaiten.

4. Jaa sitten puikolla olevat silmukat neljälle suoralle puikolle.

5. Jatka samalla langalla ja neulo pari kolme kerrosta suljettua neuletta työn ympäri. Muista vetää lanka tiukalle puikolta toiselle siirtyessä, jotta työhön ei tule aukkoja. Tämä on tärkeää, kun aloitat varsinaisen ohjeen neulomisen. Jos lanka ei ole riittävän tiukalla, aloituspalaan tulee aukkoja, jotka todennäköisesti siirtyvät myös itse työhön. Aloituspalasta tulee mahdollisimman napakka, kun neulot tiukasti riittävän paksulla langalla.

6. Vaihda seuraavaksi lanka. Jatka neulomista varsinaiseen työhön käyttämälläsi langalla, ja neulo kaksi kerrosta suljettua neuletta (älä siis vielä aloita varsinaista neuleohjetta). Yritä neuloa mahdollisimman tiiviisti. Jätä työn aloituslankaan niin pitkä "häntä", että voit myöhemmin helposti pujottaa sen neulaan ja vetää aloitussilmukoiden läpi (noin 60 cm on sopiva pituus).

7. Aloita sitten neulominen valitsemasi ohjeen mukaan.

Aloituksen viimeistely:

Voit siirtyä kohtiin 8 – 12 milloin haluat.

8. Pujota lankaan jättämäsi "häntä" teräväkärkiseen ompeluneulaan. Pujota lanka huolellisesti kaikkien TYÖSSÄ KÄYTTÄMÄLLÄSI LANGALLA neulottujen, ensimmäisen kerroksen silmukoiden läpi.

9. Vedä häntää hitaasti ja varovasti ja varmista, että olet pujottanut langan kaikkien ensimmäisen kerroksen silmukoiden läpi. Valaisevan suurennuslasin käytöstä on apua, mutta hyvä valaistus ja lukulasitkin käyvät. Voit valintasi mukaan vetää "hännän" tiukalle tai jättää aloituskohtaan selvemmin erottuvan aukon.

(Kuvassa on Rosemarien neuloma aloitus Herbert Nieblingin legendaariseen Lyra-malliin).

10. Vedä "häntä" vielä kerran kaikkien aloitussilmukoiden läpi ja päättele se sitten haluamallasi tavalla.

11. Leikkaa lopuksi aloituspala irti pienillä terävillä saksilla. Varo leikkaamasta varsinaiseen työhön käyttämääsi lankaa.

12. Aloituspalan, "navan", voit joko heittää pois tai arkistoida sen muistoksi syntymäpäivästä. :-)


I would like to thank Mara C.
for her translation of the Belly Button Start. Thanks so much, Mara!

"Bauchnabel"-Anfang fuer rundgestrickte Decken
1) Man beginnt mit zwei Nadeln aus einem Nadelspiel das dieselbe Staerke hat wie das gewuenschte Projekt (man kann spaeter jederzeit auf eine Rundstricknadel wechseln).
2) Mit einem Garn in einer Kontrastfarbe (z. Bsp. 5er Baumwolle) schlaegt man die in der Anleitung vorgegebene Maschenanzahl an
3) In Hin- und Herreihen ca 2-3 cm hochstricken, dabei so fest wie moeglich stricken!
4) Nun verteilt man die Maschen auf das komplette Nadelspiel und schliesst zur Runde
5) Man strickt in Runden noch 2-3 Reihen weiter, dabei zwischen den Nadeln den Faden immer so fest wie moeglich anziehen, was den Uebergang spaeter sehr erleichtert
6) Nun den Kontrastfaden liegen lassen und mit dem Projektgarn 2-3 Runden glatt rechts stricken, dabei am Fadenanfang 50-60 cm haengen lassen, dabei noch nicht mit der Anleitung beginnen!
7) Jetzt im Anleitungsmuster beginnen und ganz normal weiterstricken.
Schritte 8-11 koennen ab jetzt jederzeit durchgefuehrt werden:
8) Den langen Anfangsfaden des Projektgarnes auf eine spitze Naehnadel auffaedeln und durch die Maschen der ersten Runde (da, wo in den Kontrastfaden gestrickt wurde) durchziehen. Am besten sorgfaeltig oder mit Lupe arbeiten, damit keine Masche vergessen wird.
9) den Faden vorsichtig festziehen, bis der gewuenschte Durchmesser erreicht ist - ganz geschlossen oder kreisfoermig offen.
10) Nochmals den Faden durch alle Maschen durchziehen und dann wie gewohnt verknoten oder vernaehen.
11) Mit einer spitzen Schere vorsichtig die Maschen des kontrastfarbenen Behelfsanschlages in der letzten Runde durchtrennen und den 'Bauchnabel" entfernen. Fertig!

Thanks to Tiziana from Italy for providing this translation!

Il metodo chiamato "The Belly Button" per iniziare lavori in tondo.

Questo metodo vince su quasi ogni altro metodo che io abbia mia visto per avviare le maglie in tondo. Io ne ho provati molti, compreso il "folle" metodo che prevede l'uso di vari ferri a due punte, cuscini, spilli e quant' altro vi venga in mente per appoggiare e tener fermo il lavoro.

Il metodo "Belly Button" rende davvero piacevole l' avvio di qualunque lavoro in tondo.

La fotografia mostra il "Belly Button" usato per il copritavolo "Lyra" , un disegno di Herbert Niebling, che ho fatto nel 2005. Ho adoperato un cotone da uncinetto piuttosto spesso per il "Belly Button", ed un filato molto sottile ( laceweight) in 100% lana colore blu cobalto per il copritavolo.

Ed ora le istruzioni !

Il metodo "Rosemarie's Belly Button" per l'avvio dei lavori in tondo

1. Si comincia usando 2 dei ferri a due punte che verranno impiegati per lavorare il modello scelto. Quando il lavoro sarà sufficientemente largo potrete passare ai ferri circolari.
2. Usando del filato numero 5 o più spesso ( io preferisco il cotone, ma può andare bene anche del filato in acrilico, spesso ed in colore contrastante), avviare su un ferro il numero di maglie indicato nelle istruzioni del modello che volete lavorare. E' importante che il filato sia in un colore contrastante con il filato che userete per il lavoro, perché questo sarà di aiuto quando dovrete rimuovere il "belly button".
Per esempio: se le istruzioni dicono di avviare 12 maglie e dividerle su 4 ferri, dovete semplicemente avviare 12 maglie su un ferro a due punte. Io mi riferirò a 12 maglie nel mio esempio, voi dovrete sostituire quel numero con il numero di maglie indicato nelle vostre istruzioni.

3. Ora... lavorate semplicemente a maglia rasata in ferri di andata e ritorno fino ad avere un pezzo che misura circa 2.5 cm. La tensione del lavoro è importante, per favore, lavorate "stretto". Bisogna che questo pezzo sia molto rigido perché in questo modo sosterrà meglio i ferri a due punte che verranno usati per lavorare in tondo.

4. E poi : dividete le 12 maglie su 4 ferri a due punte ( o sul numero di ferri richiesto dal modello).

5. Lavorate 2 o 3 giri a diritto con il cotone ( o l' acrilico) usato per il "belly button". Essenzialmente, ora state lavorando una famosa "i-cord". Fate attenzione a tirare bene il filo tra un ferro e l' altro per evitare buchi ( o fili allentati).
Questo è un punto importante per l' inizio del modello da lavorare. Se non tirate MOLTO il filo di cotone avrete fili allentati (buchi) fra le maglie del "belly button" e questi, quasi certamente, diventeranno fili allentati (buchi) nel modello che state per cominciare. Il "belly button" deve essere molto rigido, dato che state usando, con ferri sottili, un filato spesso lavorato ad una forte tensione.

6. Abbandonate il filato spesso. Ora, con il filato scelto per il progetto proseguite la lavorazione in tondo facendo 1 o 2 giri a diritto (semplicemente a diritto, senza seguire lo schema !), a tensione forte. Abbiate cura di lasciare all' inizio, un capo di filato lungo circa 60 cm (del filato scelto per il modello) , servirà per chiudere le maglie con l'ago alla fine del lavoro.

7. Ora cominciate a lavorare seguendo lo schema ( o le istruzioni scritte)

Come chiudere il centro :

Potete eseguire questa operazione seguendo le istruzioni nei punti 8- 12 in qualunque fase del lavoro

8. Infilate il capo iniziale del filato sottile in un ago da cucito. Con molta attenzione infilate l' ago nelle maglie del primo giro a diritto (sono le maglie che avete lavorato nell' ultimo giro in cotone (o acrilico) del "belly button".

9. Tirate il capo di filo lentamente e con cura, facendo attenzione ad aver preso tutte le 12 maglie del primo giro fatto con il filato sottile. Io uso una lente d'ingradimento con luce, anche se una buona luce ed un paio d'occhiali serviranno comunque allo scopo.
Potete tirare il cappio con un po' di forza per chiudere il buco centrale o lasciare il foro un po' più aperto ( il lavoro apparirà con una "O" centrale) . La scelta è lasciata al vostro gusto personale.

(Questo è il "belly button" nel mio coprtitavolo Lyra, uno dei leggendari disegni di Hrbert Niebling )

10. Passate l'ago con il capo di filo ancora una volta nelle 12 maglie e quindi fermate il filo o annodatelo secondo il metodo che abitualmente usate.

11. Con un paio di piccolissime, affilatissime forbici, tagliate il "belly button" facendo MOLTA attenzione a non tagliare il filo sottile usato per il lavoro.

12. Ora potete buttar via il "belly button", oppure metterlo nel vostro portfolio con la data e l'ora del
"parto" (Scherzo !)
* il termine "belly button" significa ombelico e, l' azione di chiudere il centro del lavoro, all' ideatrice di questo metodo fa venire in mente una nascita.


I'm sure that once you've tried this, you'll never go back to another method. This looks much better than the lumpy crochet start, and is much easier to handle than any other method I've used. Not only that, it's FAST, and if you're a cat (kid, dog, etc.) lover and one of the little darlings bumps into you while you're working on your circular start, it won't be total disaster!

If you have kitties in your house, they'll have hours of amusement playing with the belly button, once you remove it. Leave a little "tail" on the belly button, and watch the kitties play!

You are welcome to copy and paste these directions for your own use, or to share with friends. All I ask is that you give me credit!

That's it. Good luck, and if anyone has questions, feel free to ask!


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