Two Sticks And Some String !

This is me, an opinionated, politically progressive Canadian Lace Knitter who's lived and worked in western Canada, and on the east coast of the USA; a multi-skilled person who's been recently re-elected to public office, has a Class One driver's license, a human services professional in direct service, middle and senior management positions, and a MOM!

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Getting better all the time!

Yehaaaaaa (this is not to be mistaken for a connection to any religious group ;-) ... I got the Knitted Lace Ring HTML code installed and it works!

See, Eric, I can do some of this stuff even though you're still in France!

Coming up soon? Pics of my Lyra, on the needles, with the belly button, and then with the finished centre. Also, details of my "chaotic life", as seen through the camera lens.

Judge not, folks.


  • At Mon Jun 13, 02:30:00 p.m. PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm so glad you were able to get the Lace Ring code up and running! Can't wait to see more photos of your fabulous lace knitting.


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