Two Sticks And Some String !

This is me, an opinionated, politically progressive Canadian Lace Knitter who's lived and worked in western Canada, and on the east coast of the USA; a multi-skilled person who's been recently re-elected to public office, has a Class One driver's license, a human services professional in direct service, middle and senior management positions, and a MOM!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

PhoenixPalme, Tout Finis!

Whew ... I need a cigarette .... hahahahaha ....

Ok, so I have asthma and would rather ban cigarettes than smoke 'em, so please take the above comment as a reflection on six months of knitting the monster in the pictures below, and the incredible relief/pleasure/ecstacy of casting it off.

The PhoenixPalme is not washed or pressed, but due to intense pressure, (you people are such nags ... ;-), I'm caving in and publishing these pictures:

Above is the mostly cast-off PhoenixPalme, carefully guarded by Bitsy (the grey) Kitty (#2 of 5), and Quattro (#4 of 5).

Prior to casting off, I had put it on a stainless stee
l needle after knitting the piece with a nylon "Circlon" needle. Big mistake; steel needles are slick and want to either fall out of the work or drop stitches, so I put it back on a Circlon needle and cast off from there. As you can see, even Quattro knew the stainless steel needle had to go! And to the right, is an example of the palm fronds as designed by Herbert Niebling and knit by me!

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